Based on Recital 22 and Article 10 of the Directive 2002/92/EU, on 27th of November 2013 was published at the Official Gazette of the European Union the “Guidance on complaints-handling by insurance intermediaries. The Guidelines were set so that there is an adequate review process and resolve complaints procedure. According to the powers given to the Insurance Superintendent from the article 193(4) of the Insurance Services and Other Related Issues Law of 2002-2013, the following Guidance must be followed by all insurance intermediaries who handle by themselves the clients’ complaints.
Complaint means: A statement of dissatisfaction addressed to an insurance intermediary by a person relating to the mediation activities of the intermediary in accordance with the definition of “insurance mediation” in Article 2(3), IMD. Complaint handling should be differentiated from claims handling as well as from simple requests for execution of the insurance contract, information or clarification.
Complainant means:
A person who is presumed to be eligible to have a complaint considered by an insurance intermediary and has already lodged a complaint e.g. a policyholder, insured person, beneficiary and in some jurisdictions, injured the third party. Intermediary Ideal Insurance Tsiolis P. Insurance Services, Agents & Consultants Company: Superintendent: Insurance Superintendent (Insurance Companies Control Service – Ministry of Finance)
At Ideal Insurance Tsiolis P. Insurance Services, Agents & Consultants we have the following process in place when attending to a complaint: Submission of such a complaint in written at our offices. Complaints may be submitted in the following ways: Via email to, ,post to: 61, Acropoleos Avenue, 2012 Nicosia. All complaints are registered in three (3) working days at the Complaints Registry we have in our offices. As soon as the complaint is registered at the Complaints Registry, our Complaint Management Unit will contact the client informing him in written that, his complaint is under investigation. The communication with the complainant will be in plain language, which is clearly understood. Provide a response within fifteen (15) working days. When an answer cannot be provided within the expected time limits, the complainant should be informed in written about the causes of the delay, within fifteen (15) working days. The delay must not exciting the thirty (30) days. The time is calculated from the expiry date of the first fifteen (15) days. When providing final decision this must be in written form. The decision must include the complainant’s option to proceed with Court hearing or Alternative Dispute Resolution. All documents in relation to the complaint must be kept on the Complaints Registry for five (5) years. As an Insurance Agent, we hold the responsibility to inform our existing and new customers in relation to their option with the registration of a complaint and the ways they can do that. All complaints are examined without any fees.
Please fill all fields. If it is possible please provide us all the relevant documents, so your complaint is investigated the soonest.