Home Insurance
MaxiSafe Home
Building Coverage:
- Fire, lighting, explosion, earthquake or smoke
- Storm, flood or tornado
- Rebellion, demonstrations and civil unrest
- Vandalism and malicious acts
- Aircraft and other aerial devices
- Leaking oil or water from any plumbing, heating, washing machine, fridge & freezer
- Theft or attempted theft for jewerly coverage is limited to 5% of insured value content when they are in locked drawer or safe (more than 5% see further coverage)
- Cracking or collapse of television or radio antennae
- Equipment and machinery outside the home including solar (up to €1000)
- Falling trees
- Temporary habitation and loss of rent
- Breaking glass and sanitary ware (up to €500)
- Water freezes at any plumbing
- Engineering and Architecture Fees (5% of the amount of insurance with a minumum of €5000)*
- Wreckage Removal Expenses (5& of the amount of insurance with a minimum of €5000)*
- Costs of Investigation (up to €500)
- Legal liability €50.000
- Legal liability for property losses up to €100.000
- Legal liability for body injuries up to €100.000
Building Coverage: Optional Covers
- Portable Possessions
- Personal Accident
- Accidental damage on building
- Accidental damage on electrical equipment
- Insurance for your liability to your domestic employees €160.000 (coverage limit)
Content Coverage
- Fire, lighting, explosion, earthquake or smoke
- Strom, flood or tornado
- Rebellion, demonstrations and civil unrest
- Vandalism and malicious acts
- Aircraft and other aerial devices
- Leaking oil or water from any plumbing, heating, washing machine, fridge and feezer
- Theft ot attempted theft after burlglary
- Cracking or collapse of television or rado (up to €1000)
- Equipment and machinery outside the home including solar (up to €1000)
- Falling trees
- Temporary habbitation and loss of rent
- Loss of oil and water up to €700
- Freezer content
- Conent in the garden (up to €200)
- Death insurance
- Legal liability (€50.000)
- Legal liabilty for property losses up to €100.000
- Legal liabilty for body injuries up to €100.000
Simple Plan – Fire & Other Perils
Basic Covarage
Basic Coverage
- Fire, Lightning, Explosion
Additional Optional Coverages
- Explosion
- Bush/Forest Fire
- Earthquake and volcanic eruption
- Bursting of Pipes and other Water appliances
- Flood, Storm and Tempest
- Impact of any vehicle or animal
- Malicious Damages
- Riots, Strikes & Civil Commotion
- Aircraft Impact
- Snow, Ice, Hail
- Short-circuit
- Rehabilitation Expenses
- Loss of Rent
- Architects and Surveyors Fees
- Debris Removal
Optional Coverages Combined
Theft with forcible entry into private dwelling
Breakage of Glass
Business Insurance
Business Multi-cover
The structure of such insurance was designed to simplify and collapse time-consuming procedures by pooling various insurance policies in one and satisfy insurance needs of entrepreneurs.
- The basic compulsory coverage
PART 1 Fire, specific hazards and theft, fire damage
PART 2 Liability
PART 3 Responsibility of Employer
PART 4 Money - The optional coverages
PART 5 Interruption
PART 6 Accidental Damage to Glass
PART 7 Carriage of Goods
PART 8 Deterioration of frozen goods
Optional Extensions
Basic Extensions of Coverage:
A. Buildings
B. Remuneration of Architects & Engineers
C. Removal of debris
D. External Awnings, signs & Appendices
Expansion of Public Liability
A. Food Poisoning
B. Coverage of other buildings
Business - Property - Fire & Other Perils
Basic Coverage
- Fire, Lightning, Explosion
Additional Optional Coverages
- Explosion
- Bush/Forest Fire
- Earthquake and volcanic eruption
- Bursting of pipes and other water appliances
- Flood, Storm and Tempest
- Impact of any vehicle or animal
- Malicious damages
- Riots, Strikes & Civil Commotion
- Aircraft Impact
- Snow, Ice, Hail
- Short-circuit
- Rehabilitation Expenses
- Loss of Rent
- Architects and Surveyors Fees
- Debris Removal
Optional Coverages Combined
- Theft with forcible entry into business premises
- Breakage of glass
- Loss of business profits